Personal Injury

Personal Injury law is a derogation of the societal concept that when our negligence injures or harms someone, we have a legal, (if not moral,) obligation to remedy the outcome of our carelessness. This has been recognized by mankind since biblical times. In a perfect world, a wrongdoer would accept responsibility for the consequences of their actions and seek to make things right for their victim. Unfortunately, most cases are not decided by the wrongdoer, but their insurance company. Of course, that company wants to resolve cases, but wants to resolve them for as little compensation as possible. Hence, more than a century ago, people began turning to their lawyers to help them obtain the reparations wrongdoers owed, but would not pay, (or more correctly, their insurer would not pay.)



Dan Leeper is the lead attorney in the firm in the personal injury field. Dan has over 20 years of experience in this area of law. Dan handles all types of injury claims to include:

  • Automobile Accidents
  • Motorcycle Accidents
  • Premises Accidents
  • Slip and Fall
  • Negligent Security
  • Immunization Complications
  • Dog Attacks/Bites
  • All Injury and Death Cases
  Were you injured?

First and foremost, get the medical care and attention you need as soon as possible after the injury producing event. Delay in seeking care can complicate your health and your legal case. After the emergency care is complete, then contact an attorney who can advise you with whom you should speak and what you should speak with them about. An experienced attorney can make the process smoother and educate the client so they can be an active participant who helps resolve portions of their claims in a timely manner.



  Do's and Don'ts
Do: Get the emergency medical care you need
  Contact an attorney once your emergency care is complete
  Contact your insurer to advise them of your injury producing event
Dont: Provide recorded statements to other peoples’ insurance companies without your attorney being present
  Decline emergency medical care
  Delay in getting medical attention for your injury